Buddy class

Hi guys welcome to my blog again.

Today for class we are doing a buddy class. so buddy class is when rm 1 and 2 come to rm 9 and 10 join together and do an activity together. check out our photo that me and my buddy did.

Rams v Airs

Hi guys welcome to my blog again last night me and my school basketball team went to Cowles stadium to watch the Canterbury Rams v Taranaki airs, also my friend Zach got rams beanie for 40 bucks I was stoked because iv’e never seen a hat that expensive in my life.                            check out our cool photos

                      Thank you for reading my blog and have a great weekend.

And also the score was 86 83 to rams. PEACE

Start of Term 2

Hi everyone welcome to my blog again

Term two has just started and there are a lot of things happening in the first week. Today we had a visitor it was a Teacher Aid that  has been gone for a very long time his name is Sam he was a kind man with his partner Amy, they are great partners. Also we are about to start 3V3 basketball at South Hornby.

if you are reading this thank peace

League Tournament

Hi guys welcome to my blog again.

On Tuesday 9/4/2024 me and my school league team went to Nga puna wai to play league versus other schools. When we got there I saw a lot of friends from a long time ago and also recent friends. While we were looking for a spot to rest and warm up there were lots of schools there that I’ve never seen before. Once we found a spot we started warming up for the first game. These are the teams that are versed,  Avonhead,  Linwood Raiders and Opawa Lions.

Check some cool photos of our team. Hope you enjoy.



                Thank you for looking. Peace out

Helicopter Helicopter

Hi guys

Welcome to my blog again, yesterday the whole school went to the field to watch the Air force Navy helicopter cam and visited our school.

Check out the photos of the helicopter.

My favourite part is when they landed.

Why i like it is because when they landed all the dust and leaves were rushing at us.

Thank you for looking at my blog, peace out